Thursday, June 9, 2011

AC Transit's Joel Young In Sex Scandal; Sandre Swanson Can Relax

UPDATE: Joel Young Issues Must Read Statement - Click Here.

According to Indy Bay, which is all over this story, AC Transit Board Of Director's member Joel Young, who had a promising political career and filed to run for the California State Assembly (District 16) against the incumbent Sandre Swanson in 2012, is seeing it go off the rails in a sex scandal.

Young is accused of domestic violence by his ex-girlfriend, who was granted a restraining order against him, that was filed on March 16th, 2011 and became active April 5th. A hearing on the domestic violence complaint is set for August.

Reportedly, Young's ex-girlfriend found him in bed with another woman in March. The woman confronted Mr. Young, who allegedly attacked her, and she was hospitalized. Later, she called the police to file a report, but it's not clear from Indy Bay that an arrest was made.

Meanwhile, Young filed his own restraining order against his ex-girlfriend on April 14th, and said that it was she who attacked him.

What a mess.

What's missing from this is just how did Young's reportedly ex-girlfriend find him in bed with another woman?  Did she have a key to his home?   How did she know to walk in?   Something's missing here.

Joel Young was appointed to the AC Transit Board of Directors in 2009, then re-elected in November 2010.

Can Young survive this?  My prediction is yes, but he can forget about mounting a challenge to the legendary Sandre Swanson.  Who, but a few friends, will give campaign money to the political new-comer Young after this episode? 

Young's best outcome would be to have the charges dropped, and his girlfriends link arm-and-arms with him, and while something tells me that's not in the cards, this also is a weird year for men and political sex scandals.

See Indy Bay for the court documents.

UPDATE: Swanson's approaching his final year (2012) of three terms, as he was elected in 2006. So he's termed out. But even with a wide-open field, Young's sex scandal doesn't help as of this writing.

Stay tuned.


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