Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jon Huntsman Called Weasel, Runs For President

The definition of "weasel," aside from reference to the mammal described as a "small, active predator," is of a person who is a "deceitful or treacherous person," and by action "Achieve something by use of cunning or deceit: 'trying to weasel my way into his affections.'"

From the looks of videos and accounts, former Utah Governor and former U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman has been called a weasel, and now that person's running for the Republican Presidential Nomination.

Typing "Jon Huntsman Weasel" in Google yields an interesting set of findings.

First, there's a YouTube video that gives the former Utah Governor the 30th "Weasel Award," because Robert Evan Howard, the Salt Lake City man who created the video and the award, blames Huntsman for "people being taxed out of their homes in Utah" while he was Governor.

The video is not new, but hasn't been seen much at all over the past three years: 72 times total, or about 24 times a year, or about once every other week. That's about to change:

The other interesting "Jon Huntsman Weasel" search result on Google is this one:

"Looks like a weasel to me. Just sayin'."

And comes as a comment after a Huffington Post blog article with the title "Jon Huntsman Praised By China Vice Premier." The article by Huff Po staff ads:

"A fluent Mandarin speaker from his time as a Mormon missionary, Huntsman has won praise from the administration for his work as ambassador. But White House aides have been less than enthused by his interest in exploring a Republican presidential bid next year."

Which caused this blogger to wonder what kind of, as they say on the street, shit, Huntsman was plotting against President Obama while "serving" as U.S. Ambassador to China.

Anyone who can speak "fluent Mandarin," serves the American President in China, then turns around and announces he's going to try and run against that same American President, and is praised by the Chinese on the way, certainly places his very character into question. Did Huntsman throw his own boss under the bus while serving as Ambassador in China?

Fair question.

And all that on top of the finding that the blog "Weasel Zippers" has several pages devoted to the "Republican In Name Only" (RINO), Jon Huntsman.

If President Obama can't trust Jon Huntsman, why should the American people be asked to trust Jon Huntsman? Huntsman might sell us out to China more so than we're already economically on the hook for.

Just saying.

Oh, in case you're wondering.  I searched for a photo of Former Governor Huntsman to put up here, when I typed "Jon Huntsman Weasel" in Google, but that cute little critter kept popping up. 

Stay tuned.


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