Saturday, June 4, 2011

Welcome to the World of Shera Bechard!

Welcome to the first (probably) fan blog for Shera Bechard, Playboy's Miss November 2010, model, actress and all around Canadian beauty. The aim of this blog is to regularly post news, updates and info on everything to do with Shera Bechard and her professional career so as to provide a place for her fans to find everything in one spot as opposed to having to google all over the place.

Why Shera Bechard? Well quite simply because she's one of the most gorgeous models to have been featured as Playmate in recent years and on top of that comes across as an exceedingly charming and likeable person. I am also certain that someone with her looks and charm is going to make a name for herself beyond "just" being a Playmate. She's one of those rare beauties that inspires me to go look for more, a model who is fascinating beyond mere nudity (though an exquisite nudity it is) and if I'm going to go follow Shera's career, I might as well share it with her fans on here.

Just to make it perfectly clear, this is a fan blog, written by me and other fans. It lives purely off of the time and energy that I and other fans are willing to put into it. It is not written or endorsed by Miss Bechard herself, though she does know about it. What that means is, don't look to me or this blog to put you in contact with Miss Bechard or have some kind of insider news to share. If Shera ever feels like sharing exclusive news or other things with this blog, I will make sure to post it but other than that, this is purely fan work.

Since Shera is already very well established on the social networks, I think it's a good time to put all the relevant links in one place, not only so you can get updates from Shera herself but also so you won't fall for any pretender.

Her website:
Her Facebook Fan Page:
Her Facebook Profile:
Her Twitter Account:

That shall be it for an opening post, expect a couple of updates in the near future to get the ball rolling. I'm still thinking about a name for her fans though. Sheranites? Bechardians? Eh, I'll work on it.



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