Thursday, June 30, 2011

Denise Richards Adopts a Daughter

Denise Richards has made news for reasons that have nothing to do with Charlie Sheen:

The ex-wife of that actor adopted a baby girl this week, confirms her rep. He released the following statement.

"Eloise Joni Richards is named after Denise's mom (Joni), and Denise and her daughters Sami and Lola chose the name Eloise. Denise and Eloise's big sisters couldn't be happier and feel incredibly blessed."

An Adoptive Mom

Son after the announcement was made, Richards Tweeted: "Thank you all for your sweet messages. The girls and I are over the moon and so is my dad Grandpa Irv...xo"

A cynical person would say Richards only made this move because she'll eventually film a reality show about her new family. But we'd never go there.

Instead, we'll simply send along best wishes to Denise, Sam and Lola!



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