Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Andrew Brietbart Obsessed With Congressman Weiner's Naked Photos

Now that New York Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner did an about face and admitted that no one "hacked" his Twitter account, and that he was sending nude and other leud photos of himself to women he'd never met in person and just on the Internet, along comes conservative hack blogger Andrew Brietbart to go all "Deadspin, Brett Farve" on us, and show how hot he is for Weiner's naked body, or at least for whatever photo of it he can dig up.

Just about two weeks ago CNN cornered Congressman Weiner about what has been described as an "explicit Tweet" the pol sent to a young woman on Twitter he'd never met.

Now, when this blogger listened to Weiner talk about almost everything under the sun from the debt ceiling to the deficit to the chances that the NFL Lockout would end, to what restaurant in his district served the best hamburger (just kidding), the first thought was "It's possible someone may have got hold of his Twitter account, but the photos?

The question is where did they come from? Hacking into someone's computer hard drive is harder to believe than the Twitter issue, and that' s where the problems start for Weiner.

But that would be if he stuck to his original "hacked" story. Weiner didn't. Plus, Weiner, unlike Republican Representative Chris Lee, said he was not going to resign from office.

So, maybe because of that, or more likely because Andrew Breitbart could be a gay guy in the closet, Brietbart's devoted his blog Big Government to not less than 15 blog posts about what the blogger calls Weinergate, and as much for the congressman's name as what part of his body Brietbart wants to see.

But, in a society where an 11-year old kid can go on YouTube and freely see semi-nude women and men, not to mention people doing all sorts of things from blowing snot bubbles to public sex on a train, do we really care what Congressman Weiner did on Twitter, as The Atlantic asked?

Well, the answer is that we're titilated by it, if nothing else. That's why the keyword Andrew Breitbart was number one on Google Trends, and Congressman Weiner's number six on Monday. We want to look more than complain, and much of the complaints are being aimed not at Weiner, but at Brietbart.

Technorati calls it our "national hour of shame" and says Brietbart is a "scumbag." I'm waiting for someone to call or email and report that they have the same kind of photos of Brietbart.

Republicans Not Out Of The Woods

Remember, the Republicans still have Sen Tom Colburn, Rep. Chris Lee, and Senators John Ensign, and David Vitter to remind us that they still have the lead in sex scandals.

Stay tuned.


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