Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sarah Palin Paul Revere Error From Fear Of Looking Stupid

Former Alaska Governor and now GOP Presidential non-candidate, candidate Sarah Palin, has done it again. She's stuck her foot in her mouth in recounting the history of Paul Revere. First, instead of just answering the question of a reporter, who asked how the day went, Sarah had to go off on some rant that went like this:

If she had to say anything she should have said "It was nice to see the place where Paul Revere said 'The British are coming'" and left it at that. But no, not Sarah Palin.


Sarah Palin's so afraid of looking stupid before the cameras, and thus the people of America, she over-compensates and says more than she should, rather than less. She comes off as if she has to be the ultimate authority on whatever she's talking about.

So what happens, is Palin says something at length, then is wrong about what she says, which defeats her own purpose of trying to look smart. So, Palin keeps trying to dig out of this image hole, and only digs herself deeper into it.

If Governor Palin relaxed and stopped worrying about what people thought about her, this "stupid spiral," if you will, would end. Palin would disagree with my assessment, but if it were not so, this habit, then why the pattern of consistently putting her foot in her mouth?

It certainly doesn't taste good, that foot. And eating it's not the best meal for anyone who has White House-level ambitions.

Stop The Blame The Media Game 

In closing, Palin should not just stop thinking about what people think of her, but stop blaming the media for whatever stupid comment she makes.  In the most recent case, Palin said it was a "gotcha" question.  But how the hell can that be if the question was an opened ended one, asking how the day went? 

That's a sure sign there's something wrong with Governor Palin.   She's done this before, and the act is fading, fast. 


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