Sunday, May 22, 2011

Malcolm X Biography

Malcolm X Biography. Malcolm X or Malcolm Little was born on May 19, 1925. Malcolm X was born in Omaha, Nebraska. And died on February 21, 1965. Malcolm X is also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (In Arabic: الحاج مالك الشباز). Malcolm X was an African-American Muslim minister, worked as a public speaker, and also human rights activists.

Malcolm X did not consent to the development of the system of racism that highlight the differences in blacks and whites. Attitudes began experiencing discrimination more so when the conduct of education at the school level. Teachers are mainly white, providing a better education to the students who were white than the black. This situation makes MalcolMalcolm X Biographym does not feel at home and choose migrate from its territory and move to another city.

Past history of Malcolm X
Malcolm X lived with his sister in Boston, Massachusetts, Malcolm X worked as a shoeshine boy, assistant waiter, and waitress. In Boston Malcolm began to visit the black ghetto (an area of town where minorities live) from Roxbury. There, he was attracted to the neighborhood street life. He started wearing flashy clothes and jumped into the criminal life that included gambling, selling drugs, and theft. By the time he was thirteen years old, his father had died and his mother was committed to a mental hospital. After living in a series of orphanages, Malcolm X became involved in a number of criminal activity in Boston and New York City. In 1946, Malcolm X was sentenced to eight to ten years in prison.

Malcolm Little was a courageous advocate for the rights of African Americans, a man who is accused of white America in the harshest terms for crimes against black Americans.

Malcolm X referred to as one of the largest and most influential in the history of African Americans, and in 1998, Time named The Autobiography of Malcolm X one of the ten most influential nonfiction books of the 20th century.

The message of Malcolm X

Malcolm X quickly became a national spokesman for the most visible Black Muslim. As a sound organization that he was a speech-writer, philosopher, and an inspiring speaker who is often quoted by the media. His talent arguing against white and black opponents helped spread the message of the movement.

Malcolm X urged black people to give up Christianity. He preached that the high crime rates in the black community is basically the result of African Americans following the Western lifestyle, the white community. During this period Malcolm X, the following Elijah Muhammad, urged black people not to participate in elections. This election, the movement believes, means supporting the system (against the ideas of right and wrong held by most people) is immoral to U.S. politics.

Source reference Malcolm X Biography,, and


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